Coplanar Elements
Coplanar Transmission Lines
Coplanar Discontinuities
Coplanar Lumped Elements
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The palette "Coplanar Elements" consists of three groups of elements: Coplanar Transmission Lines, Coplanar Discontinuities and Coplanar Lumped Elements.

In the Group of Coplanar Transmission lines, there are two elements: Coplanar Transmission Line (C_LIN) and Coplanar Inter Metal Via (C_METVIA). The Element C_METVIA is used for connection of different metal levels. All important effects such as finite ground planes, metallization thickness and the influence of backside metallization can be taken into account. The conductor as well as dielectric losses are considered and the line attenuation is calculated for both DC and RF cases. For these two elements a distributive equivalent circuit is used (see Table 5-1). As a results, the simulation of these elements is valid even for frequencies beyond the l/4 frequency. 

Coplanar Transmission Lines
Name Physical Equivalent Circuit
Coplanar Transmission Line
Coplanar Transmission Line
Coplanar Inter Metal Via 
Coplanar Inter Metal Via

Table 5-1: Coplanar Transmission Lines in COPLAN for Libra and their equivalent circuit

The Group of Coplanar Discontinuities consists of all usual discontinuities with and without air-bridges (see Tables 5-2a and 5-2b). There are 9 Elements in this group: Coplanar Open (C_OPEN) with and without connected ground planes, Coplanar Short (C_SHORT), Coplanar Gap (C_GAP), Coplanar Step (C_STEP), Coplanar Taper (C_TAPER), Coplanar Air-Bridge (C_AIR), Coplanar Bend (C_BEND), Coplanar Tee-Junction (C_TEE) and Coplanar Cross-Junction (C_CROSS). All junctions can have arbitrary arrangement and combination of feed lines and air bridge types at ports. The equivalent circuits used for the description of electromagnetic behavior of these elements are shown in Tables 5-2a and 5-2b. 

Coplanar Discontinuities
Name Physical Equivalent Circuit
Coplanar Open 
Coplanar Open End
Coplanar Short 
Coplanar Short End
Coplanar Gap
Coplanar Gap
Coplanar Step
Coplanar Step
Coplanar Taper
Coplanar Taper

Table 5-2a: Coplanar Discontinuities in COPLAN for Libra and their equivalent circuit  

Coplanar Discontinuities (With airbridges)
Name Physical Equivalent Circuit
Coplanar Air-Bridge
Coplanar Air-Bridge
Coplanar Bend
Coplanar Bend
Coplanar Tee-Junction
Coplanar Tee-Junction
Coplanar  Cross-Junction
Coplanar  Cross-Junction

Table 5-2b: Coplanar Discontinuities (with air bridges) in COPLAN for Libra and their equivalent circuit

The group of Coplanar Lumped Elements contains the most used elements. There are 6 elements in this group: Coplanar Interdigitated Capacitor (C_IDC), Coplanar Rectangular Spiral Inductor (C_RIND), Coplanar Thin-Film Resistor as series (C_TFR) or shunt resistor (C_TFG) and Coplanar MIM-Capacitor as series (C_MIM) or shunt capacitor (C_CAPLIN). Tables 5-3a and 5-3b show the coplanar lumped elements and their equivalent circuits.

Coplanar lumped elements
Name Physical Equivalent Circuit
Coplanar Interdigital Capacitor
Coplanar Interdigital Capacitor
Coplanar Rectangular Inductor
Coplanar Rectangular Inductor

Table 5-3a: Coplanar Lumped Elements in COPLAN for Libra and their equivalent circuit  

Coplanar lumped elements
Name Physical Equivalent Circuit
Coplanar MIM-Capacitor
Coplanar MIM-Capacitor

Coupled Coplanar Lines

Coplanar MIM-Capacitor to Ground
Coplanar MIM-Capacitor to Ground
Coplanar Thinfilm Resistor
Coplanar Thinfilm Resistor
Coplanar Thinfilm Resistor to Ground
Coplanar Thinfilm Resistor to Ground

Table 5-3b: Coplanar Lumped Elements in COPLAN for Libra and their equivalent circuit