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Parameter | Description | Range of Usage |
L1 | Length of transmission line connected to the port 1 | |
L2 | Length of transmission line connected to the port 2 | |
WF | Width of fingers | n/2.DL (n=1,2,3,...) |
SF | Slot between fingers | n/2.DL (n=1,2,3,...) |
LF | Length of fingers (LF > SF) | n/2.DL (n=2,3,4,...) |
NF | Number of fingers | 2,3,4,... |
S | Slot between ground and fingers | n/2.DL (n=1,2,3,...) |
G | Gap between ground and feed line | n/2.DL (n=1,2,3,...) |
WL | Width of feed line | n/2.DL (n=1,2,3,...) |
IDCLEVEL | Identification of metal level of the interdigital section | 1 or 2 (DEFAULT Foundry) |
C_LTYP1 | ID of coplanar transmission line applied at ports 1 | |
C_LTYP2 | ID of coplanar transmission line applied at ports 2 | |
C_SUB | ID of coplanar substrate definition | |
C_GRID | ID of simulation control data | |
TEMP | ID of element temperature definition used for noise computation |
For the modeling of the C_IDC element, a broadband network is used. The electrical coupling betwwen the fingers is represented by the capacitance Cs, whereas the parasitic electric field to the ground is considered by the shunt capacitances Cp1 and Cp2. An ideal transformer (inductances L1 and L2 as well as mutual indactance M) is uesd for the modeling of the magnetic coupling between the fingers. Frequency dependent resistances (R1 and R2) represents the metal losses of the fingers.
The traveling wave effects along the fingers is taken into account. As a result, there is no limitation due to the length of fingers. The equivalent circuit parameters are derived from quasi-static FD-calculations. The connected line at ports are modeled as C_LIN elements and are represented by their characteristic mpedances ZL1, ZL2 and phase constants b1, b2. There is no limitation due to the length of connected lines (L1 and L2). | ![]() |