C_SUB Data Item
Coplanar Substrate Data Definition
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Coplanar Substrate Data Definition

C_SUB contains the parameters for a three layered substrate. For each layer, the substrate height and dielectric constant as well as the loss tangent can be specified.


Parameter Discreption Range of Usage
H1 Height of substrate layer 1 (H1= -1, –2 ® auto sizing) 4.n.DL (n=0,1,2,...)
H2 Height of substrate layer 2 n.DL (n=4,5,6,...)
H3 Height of substrate layer 3 (H3= -1, –2 ® auto sizing ) (4.n+ 3).DL (n=2,3,...)
ER1 Relative permittivity of layer 1 ³ 1
ER2 Relative permittivity of layer 2 ³ 1
ER3 Relative permittivity of layer 3 ³ 1
TAND1 Dielectric loss factor of substrate layer 1 >0
TAND2 Dielectric loss factor of substrate layer 2 >0
TAND3 Dielectric loss factor of substrate layer 3 >0
