[close window] [2.8 Convergence, Stability and Numerical Accuracy]

2.9 Simulation Time

The simulation time depends on a series of different aspects such as chosen numerical parameters (box sizes, mesh size, iteration error, etc.), structure dimensions or hardware performances. The investigations which are documented here should be a guiding value. The used hardware is on a workstation HP9000, 160MHz, PA 8000. The required simulation time for CPW-elements is shown in Figure 2-9. The numerical parameter are chosen for an optimum combination of time and accuracy.

For single coplanar line (C_LIN), metal-via (C_METVIA), coplanar MIM-capacitors (C_MIM, C_CAPLIN) and thin film resistors (C_TFR, C_TFG), the simulation time is usually less than 1 second. For simple discontinuities, a simulation time between 10 and 30 seconds is needed, whereas the calculation of junctions takes about 1 to 2 minutes. This is because of the large number of equivalent circuit parameters and slow convergence of the numerical calculation as a result of the grater number of magnetic walls at ports.
In case of more complicated structures like interdigitated capacitors and spiral inductors, the simulation time depends strongly on the structure dimensions like number of fingers or turns. In such cases, the simulation can take between 1 and 10 minuets.

Figure 2-9. Simulation Time for Coplanar Elements (on a workstation HP9000, 160MHz, PA 8000)

[close window] [2.10 Effect of Shielding]