Meet us from 31 March to 4 April 2025 in the EuCAP 2025 in Stockholm!

Further events
6G Conference in Berlin: A great success for IMST!

6G Conference in Berlin: A great success for IMST!

6G Conference in Berlin: A great success for IMST!
6G Conference in Berlin: A great success for IMST!

With great pleasure we look back on the Berlin 6G Conference 2024. The event was a great success with a wide range of participants from industry, research and politics.

IMST is actively participating and contributing to the government's research projects 6G-ICAS4Mobility, 6G-TakeOff, 6G-RIC, KOMSENS-6G and 6G-LICRIS, which clearly shows our progression towards 6G mobile communication technology.

Participants at the conference had the opportunity to:

  • Gain insights into German 6G projects and their first results,
  • Find out more about 6G programmes in the EU and other countries,
  • Receive information on regulatory issues related to 6G (spectrum, electromagnetic exposure, data protection and privacy, AI usage, sustainability, ...),
  • Participate in discussions on visions, key trends, technologies and more,
  • Meet colleagues and expand their network.

The event provided an excellent platform for exchange and collaboration between all players in the 6G community. Important impulses were given for the further development of 6G technology and new co-operations were initiated.

We would like to thank all participants, speakers and exhibitors for their commitment and contribution to the success of the event and look forward to shaping the further development of 6G technology and utilising the associated opportunities.

To the 6G-ICAS4Mobility website
To the 6G-TakeOff website
To the Komsens-6G website
To the 6G-RIC website
More information about 6G-Licris

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