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Coplanar Coupled-Lines Data Definitions C_NL_TYP

Symbol :

Illustration :

Parameters :

GW = Width of ground planes
GND_MET = Identification of metal level for the ground planes (Used for layout only)
SG1 = Slot between first line and left ground plane
SG2 = Slot between last line and right ground plane
W1 = Width of line 1
LEVEL1 = Identification of metal level for line 1
S1_2 = Slot between line 1 and line 2
W2 = Width of line 2
LEVEL2 = Identification of metal level for line 2
S2_3 = Slot between line 2 and line 3
W3 = Width of line 3
LEVEL3 = Identification of metal level for line 3
S3_4 = Slot between line 3 and line 4
W4 = Width of line 4
LEVEL4 = Identification of metal level for line 4
S4_5 = Slot between line 4 and line 5
W5 = Width of line 5
LEVEL5 = Identification of metal level for line 5
S5_6 = Slot between line 5 and line 6
W6 = Width of line 6
LEVEL6 = Identification of metal level for line 6
S6_7 = Slot between line 6 and line 7
W7 = Width of line 7
LEVEL7 = Identification of metal level for line 7
S7_8 = Slot between line 7 and line 8
W8 = Width of line 8
LEVEL8 = Identification of metal level for line 8
S8_9 = Slot between line 8 and line 9
W9 = Width of line 9
LEVEL9 = Identification of metal level for line 9
S9_10 = Slot between line 9 and line 10
W10 = Width of line 10
LEVEL10 = Identification of metal level for line 10

Range of Usage :

W1 to W10 = 0.5.n.DL* n=2,3,4,...
S1_2 to S9_10 = 0.5.n.DL* n=1,2,3,...
SG1, SG2 = 0.5.n.DL* n=1,2,3,...
GW = 0.5.n.DL* n=2,3,4,...
LEVEL1 to LEVEL10 = 1 or 2 (DEFAULT-Foundry)
GND_MET = 1 or 2 (DEFAULT-Foundry)
* ) see C_GRID for information on DL

Notes/Equations/References :

  1. The geometrical dimensions of coupled coplanar lines are defined in the C_NL_TYP data item.

  2. The coupled line parameters (W1 to W10, S1_2 to S9_10, SG1, SG2 and GW) must be chosen in a way that metallization corners lie on the grid (see Range of Usage). However, if the user specify a maximum deviation from grid size ACC (see C_GRID for details), the simulator can adapt the incompatible structure parameters into the grid by changing these parameter slightly (warnings will be reported). For ACC=0 (no deviation from grid) the simulator reports error and the next compatible value will be recommended in the error message. Note that these changes are not considered by automatic layout generation.

  3. Depending on number of lines of related element, some parameters in C_NL_TYP are ignored. For example for 5 coupled coplanar lines (element C_5COUP), only the parameters with an index less than 5 are used (it means W1 to W5, LEVEL1 to LEVEL5 and S1_2 to S4_5). The parameters GW, SG1, SG2 and GND_MET are always used.

  4. In the presented version all center lines must have the same metal level LEVEL.

  5. In present version, GND_MET is used for layout generation only. For the simulation, GND_MET is set equal to LEVEL1.

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