Known Bugs [ IMST Home ]

Known Bugs

Here you find the list of known bugs in COPLAN forADS. Please see the manual of COPLAN for more details on the items used in the bug description. The SOLUTION will help you to overcome the problems. The bugs reported here will be removed in the next Version/Revision of COPLAN.

NOTE : Please use the Bug Fixing Sheet (winword document) to inform the COPLAN team about the bugs you find.

November 22th. 2000 COPLAN for ADS1.3 V3.0 for PC ADS doesn't invoke Coplan Simulator Copy $HPEESOF_DIR\custom\imst\bin\hpeesofsim_coplan...exe (latest version) to $HPEESOF_DIR\bin and rename it to hpeesofsim.exe (please make a backup copy first) or copy it to your project directory and rename it in the same way already fixed in COPLAN v3.0 r08.
November 17th. 2000 COPLAN for ADS1.3 V3.0 r00 and fewer LineCalc doesn't work after Coplan installation For an interim solution, please contact already fixed in COPLAN v3.0 r08.
August 18th. 2000 COPLAN for ADS1.3 V2.9(Beta) It is not possible to use variables in V2.9(Beta) with the DATA-Items C_PROCES_DEFAULT and C_TECH_DEFAULT. But it is possible to use variables in Coplan Elements and the other DATA-Items. Avoid the use of variables in C_PROCES_DEFAULT and C_TECH_DEFAULT. already fixed in COPLAN v3.0 r08.
July 11th. 2000 COPLAN for ADS1.3 V2.9(Beta) Missing Warning: Missing Data Item (e.g. C_LIN1) leads to a "Segmentation violation" in the "user-compiled linear model". This abort the simulation without a precise error report. Search for the missing Data Item and add it. already fixed in COPLAN v3.0 r08.
January 11th. 2000 COPLAN for Libra V2.2 and V2.3 Y2k Bug in imstl and imstl.exe generating a "Security Violation for CPW_ALx" Depending on your platform (HP-UX, SUNOS or Windows 9x/NT) download the file imstl or imstl.exe respectively and copy it to $EESOF_DIR/bin. For HP-UX download: HP-UX imstl-update, for SUNOS download: SUN imstl-update and for Windows 9x/NT download: PC imstl-update. already fixed.
September 29th. 1998 COPLAN for Libra V2.3 R10 (Windows95/98/NT) Problems by the calculation of coupled coplanar lines and MIM Capacitors only in the PC-Version of COPLAN. Download the released version COPLAN for Libra V2.3 R20 for Windows95/98/NT from SW-Update already fixed.
August 6th. 1998 COPLAN for Libra V2.3 R10 By the installation of the PC-Version of COPLAN, the library "lmgr325c.dll" is missing! Download the missing library from SW-Update/Patches. already fixed.
July 9th. 1998 COPLAN for Libra V2.3 R10 The file specified in C_DEBUG element (*.dbg) is writen into the current working directory and not in "data"-directory! Download the released version COPLAN for Libra V2.3 R20 from SW-Update already fixed.
July 8th. 1998 COPLAN for Libra V2.3 R10 If the metallization thickness t is smaller than 0.2DL (DL=grid size), the DC-losses of CPW-lines are not calculated correctly. Download the released version COPLAN for Libra V2.3 R20 from SW-Update already fixed.

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