HOWTO: Get the license file.

You need a license key to use COPLAN.

For a demo key, please contact
You will be asked for the following information.

Personal Data

  • Company
  • Title
  • First Name
  • Name
  • Division/Department
  • Status
  • Address/P.O Box
  • Country/Postal Code
  • Tel.
  • Fax
  • E-mail
License Server Information
  • ADS Version
  • Operating System
  • Name of license server
  • Host-id (decribtion below)
  • Where have you heard from COPLAN?

How do you get the Host-ID ?

There are 2 possiblities:

  1. Hardware Key
    You have a FLEXid Hardware Key at you parallel Port.
    This is very common for Windows Systems!
    • The Host-ID (=FLEXid) is printed on the Hardware Key

  2. License Server
    You have a license server.
    • Windows: the Host-ID (=FLEXid) is printed on the Hardware Key
    • Linux: the command '~/ADS20xx/licenses/bin/lmutil hostid' shows you the Host-ID

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